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How do I use Listerine rinses?

How do I use Listerine rinses?
When do you use glycerin rinses?
What are the advantages of Listerine rinses?
What are the disadvantages of Listerine rinses?
Listerine is a phenolic antiseptic that is available in the market in the form of antiseptic mouth rinses that are used in the following medical conditions:
Gingival and periodontal infections.
After oral surgeries.
It is used preventively before starting oral surgery.
It can be used as usual several times a week to raise the level of oral health and reduce the number of harmful germs present in the oral environment.

How do I use Listerine rinses?
Listerine has the following properties:
The pharmacy can provide without a prescription.
Does not cause discoloration of the teeth.
It is considered a strong and effective antibacterial.
Listerine contains a large percentage of alcohol and therefore can cause dryness in the mouth, and therefore it is not recommended to use it for alcoholic patients or patients who suffer mainly from dryness in the mouth.

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